What Is Quantum Biofeedback?
Quantum biofeedback healing sessions are facilitated using an FDA approved device for energy medicine. It is not intended to diagnose or cure any illnesses. Biofeedback addresses where you are holding stress in your mental, emotional or physical body. Often what we experience in our bodies as symptoms, is a direct reflection of the unmanaged mental and emotional stress we are carrying around. The goal with these healing sessions is to balance out the stress so your body can achieve homeostasis and therefore heal yourself.
Your Quantum field is your own unique vibrational frequency that makes up your energetic field. This device communicates with your vibrational frequency of your energy field to detect the stress. Then a specific frequency is sent back to balance out the stressors and therefore sends your body into a healing state.
Biofeedback is gentle and subtle. If you are looking to feel better on that specific day or for the long term, this form of healing will meet you where you are at. This device is highly intelligent and will validate what you are personally experiencing. Every time I run a client I hear “how does it know this about me?” And I say, “it is literally communicating with your vibes.” If you are ready to understand where your stress stems from, I recommend this for you. If you are not ready to know and want to keep treating just the symptoms, I do not recommend this for you.
How does Biofeedback Work?
The Quantum QUEX Biofeedback machine tests the electrical patterns of your body, it shows the energetic state and the direction the body is focusing its energy and it finds the stressed areas and then balances them out.
Every cell of our body (50 Trillion of them) vibrates at a frequency, yes they all carry an electrical charge, even our thoughts and emotions are vibrating at varying frequencies and these too can be picked up by the machine during the test.
This is important because our emotions affect our health positively or negatively and some of us don’t realize how important our mental and emotional health is to our physical body. Holding a negative emotion for a long period and being unaware of it can definitely affects our health in various ways.
Why Biofeedback?
Stress can impact you on different levels. You may experience life changing transitions ranging from death of loved ones, divorce, new careers, unprocessed traumas, to everyday stress of paying bills, jobs, family and friend dynamics, raising children, taking care of elderly parents, eating disorders, addiction, and the list can go on from what is creating emotional stress in your life. As you may know the number one cause of all illness is unmanaged emotional stress. If left alone these thoughts and feelings that result from your stress can manifest into physical symptoms in the body. Therefore, causing minor issues to extreme chronic illness in the body.
Quantum Biofeedback addresses where you are specifically holding your stress in your body, mind and spirit. When stress is left unmanaged you might feel burnout, anxiety, depression, hopeless despair, irritability, sadness, disconnected, confused, indecisive, brain fog, easily overwhelmed, anger/rage, controlling, passive, shut down, chronic fatigue, and pain in your body. The list is endless at how your body tries to communicate with how your stress is creating issues for your body. I like to think of biofeedback as the exit route for your stress.